
Worship is at the heart of who we are at First UMC. Our services are passionate and engaging. We strive to keep the focus on God, that we might be shaped and transformed to be more like Christ together. We offer 2 services each Sunday. Our 8:30 service is more informal. Our worship team (piano/guitars/drums) leads us in singing contemporary favorites and modern hymns.

Our 11:00 service celebrates the great traditions of liturgy, sacred choral music, and hymns with organ, piano and other instrumentalists.
We invite you to join us on Sundays at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m. When you arrive, look for special reserved visitor parking to the right as you enter the parking lot. The sanctuary will be directly in front of you.
We offer childcare for infants through Pre-K. Ushers will be happy to direct you when you arrive. Children are welcomed and encouraged to attend worship with their families. Liturgy Boxes, complete with a guide and items to help your child engage in the worship service, are available in the narthex.
We recognize only two sacraments as United Methodists, those directly ordained by Christ: baptism and Holy Communion.
Holy Communion we remember all that God has done for us through Jesus Christ as we share bread and wine together. In the sharing, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we believe that Christ is made present to us and we receive God’s grace in a special way. We celebrate Communion every Sunday at our 8:30 service and monthly at our 11:00 service, along with other special Sundays. In the United Methodist Church we believe that the Communion table belongs to Christ. As such, all are welcome to participate who accept His invitation.
Holy Baptism is a covenant or promise between us and God. God claims us as beloved children and promises to be with us always. In turn, we confess our faith and promise to offer our lives to God in service and love. In the United Methodist Church baptism is available to persons of all ages, including infants. Infant baptism is a beautiful reminder to all of us that ultimately our salvation is purely a gift from God. In infant baptism parents/sponsors make promises on a baby’s behalf. Whatever their age, the congregation promises to suorround the newly baptized with love and grace to grow in faith. If you would like to know more about baptism, including scheduling, please contact Pastor George (
Special Services
We offer special worship services throughout the year as we remember and celebrate the story of Christ’s life. They include Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. During the school year, mid-week Communion services are offered on Wednesday evenings. For more information, check our calendar and events pages.