“Our congregation really enjoys each other. You will find us blocking the doors just to say a quick ‘Hi!’ The new renovation will allow us the space to be welcoming to visitors, as well as dear friends. Plus, you won’t have to take the ‘guided tour’ to show where our restrooms are hidden!” – Adrian Lunsford
“I am mostly excited about the coffee and info center. I love being able to serve, and that is another opportunity for me. I am also excited that the Youth is being factored into this as well and we will be getting more space!” – Hayden King
“When I think about these new projects that are being proposed, I can’t help myself but dream of the future of FUMC Belmont. A future where my children will always have a spiritual home. A future where this rapidly growing community will always have a place of peace and faith. And a future of the continued growth of relationships, friendships, and spiritual growth for generations to come.” – Alex Bryant
“What a great plan. Like Pastor George said, ‘let’s get out of the way and see what God will do!’ Happy to be a part of the future of FUMCB.” – Kevin Krouse
“Visitors to FUMC don’t know us yet, so the appearance of our facility is their first impression. Once they enter through our new doors, there will be more space to focus on current and new relationships and to be joyful, two of our church’s core values.” – Pam Stowe
“When I look at the proposals before us, I am encouraged to think about the relationships that the new narthex would encourage. An inviting space in which we can linger after worship and share stories of God at work in our lives, stories of our faith, stories of the needs of our community. With the limited space we currently have available, we often leave worship quickly leaving us to only connect with those whom we sit with at breakfast or attend Sunday school. This space invites us to build relationships with all who are in our worshipping community.” – Kristen Surratt
“Being able to witness the planning of such a drastic change in our church is very exciting! I hope that the changes being made will allow for a space that brings the congregation together and feel even more connected. While our church and our community grows, making expansions like this will ensure that we keep up with it!” – Audrey Beaty
“I am most excited about our renovations because of the possibilities they represent. It will be possible to meet and greet members and visitors in an inviting place. It will be possible to share our church even more with our community. It will be possible to see a vibrant future for my church.” – Ellen Adams
“Why do we worship? We worship to glorify God, sing His praises, and thank Him joyfully for His abundant grace. It’s not about us. But imagine if we had more space for singers, handbells, instruments, and speakers. More joy, more praises, more room to celebrate His love for us. That’s why I’m particularly looking forward to a renovated chancel and sanctuary! More space for more joyful noises!” – Elizabeth Boney