Through the Week

Mid-Week Children's Programming-


  • 5:30-6:00 Alleluia Choir
  • 5:30-6:60 Supper in Carpenter Hall
  • 6:30-7:30 Children's Small Groups

At FUMC-Belmont, we recognize the importance of continued learning for all ages beyond our regular Sunday morning opportunities of worship and Sunday school.  We encourage all in our church to develop a life of spiritual disciplines including regular time with God and other disciples, as well as, regular Bible study.  It is important to nurture these habits and behaviors in our children from a young age.

Following our Meet in the Middle dinners, preschool and elementary-aged children have an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and faith through weekly small-group gatherings using engaging lessons and activities that help them discover what it means to be more like Jesus Christ in every day life be it at church, home or school.

Our Lenten small groups for children will use a curriculum called Jesus Fixed It: Jesus' Amazing Miracles. Students will focus on the miracles Jesus performed in the Gospel of John.




For more information on Children's Ministries or joining one of our activities, contact Jennifer Martin:; 704-718-2571