Online Giving

Online Giving

New to online giving? Click here for a short video on how to setup online giving for the first time.

Looking to change your recurring gift?  Click here for a short video on how to change your recurring gift amount.

Thank you for your interest in online giving at First United Methodist Church.  We have expanded our online giving options to make it easier to give to the church and its missions, as well as make payments for particular events or items.

VANCO is our online giving platform and an official Ministry Partner of the United Methodist Church’s General Council on Finance and Administration.  It is a trusted partner and used by over 3,000 Methodist Churches.  With our VANCO partnership, members can give electronically to various campaigns and missions, as well as pay for items and events.  It is particularly useful to set up recurring giving to the Operating Budget.

To get started, you will need to set up an account and add a payment method.  With VANCO, you are able to pay via bank draft or credit card.  Please note that the fees for the church are lower if you use bank draft.  Once your account is set up, just visit the link below at any time to login, add donations or purchases to your basket, and check out.  You may also select to cover the transaction fees as part of any transaction.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mark Sutton at  Thank you for your generosity.