Check back here often for updates on our construction progress! Learn more about all that our project entails by clicking here.
June 22, 2022
Exterior brick has been completed and work continues on the architectural details on the exterior of the narthex addition. Inside, sheetrock is going up, giving us our first sense of what the space will be like when it's completed!
June 01,, 2022
We're collecting letters for a future generation for the time capsule that will be part of the new addition's cornerstone!
May 14, 2022
Our renovated sanctuary opened on May 01! Exterior walls are nearly in place. HVAC work is underway in the new narthex addition. We anticipate work on the brick to begin very soon. Inside, our old narthex, which will become a connecting corridor, is also progressing.
April, 2022
Work continues on the exterior, which is really beginning to take shape! Inside, we are nearing completion of the sanctuary renovation. Very soon, audio/visual installers will begin work on our new sound and video system, which will improve our streaming capabilities and remedy long-term issues we've had with our sound system.
March 09, 2022
Painting the interior walls of our new sanctuary walls has begun. The concrete floor of our new narthex has been poured and work is proceeding outside, including the final parts of the new walls of our old narthex (which will be almost twice as wide).
March 03, 2022
Work inside the sanctuary is progressing. Sheetrock has been installed and is almost ready for paint. Outside, plumbing lines have been laid in anticipation of the pouring of the concrete floor.
February 02, 2022
Following some unfortunate weather delays, site work continues outside. In the sanctuary work continues, including electrical work and pouring concrete for the extended chancel area and preparations for hanging sheet rock in the coming days.
Click here for short video tour
January 11, 2022
Throughout December, work continued on exterior demolition and site preparation, including needed water/sewer infrastructure. Demolition of exterior walls is underway. Our final worship service in the sanctuary was held on December 26. Demolition of the sanctuary began on January 3 with removal of carpet, preparations for pew reupholstery, and removal of the concrete block that made the chancel area so dangerous over the years.
Exterior wall being removed.
Pew cushions removed for reupholstering.
Concrete block in the chancel has been removed.
Demolition of chancel wall for wheelchair lift.
Concrete block in the chancel has been removed.
Chancel furniture on the way to re-upholestering!
December 14, 2021
Interior demolition of our current narthex has begun! The current ceiling and carpet have been removed, and temporary roof supports installed as demolition of the current narthex wall gets underway.
December 2, 2021
Exterior demolition work has begun! Soon, we'll begin to see our new narthex take shape in this space! Inside, safety walls and barriers are being built to prepare for interior demolition of our current narthex.
November 17, 2021
Today, Pinnix installed perimeter fencing around the construction site, which closes access to the sanctuary through the central doors of our current narthex. In the next week, they will begin exterior demolition work and interior demolition of our current narthex. Work on the sanctuary will begin after Christmas.
An important question is how we will get to the sanctuary. Access to the sanctuary will be through the glass door off the breezeway and through the sacristy and CDC entrances, via indoor hallways. Handicapped and visitor parking will remain where they are currently located. On Sundays, we will reserve the staff parking lot for seniors and others who might need closer, easier access to the sanctuary, through the sacristy entrance, off the breezeway. Hopefully, this map will be helpful:
November 3, 2021
Members of our Building and Renovation Team and staff met today with our Project Manager, Ron Pantuso, and Superintendent, Jake Friedl, from Pinnix Construction Company to map out final preparations for construction to begin. Look for the Pinnix construction trailer to arrive soon!