Reading Women
2nd Tuesdays, beginning September 10th (7 p.m.- 8 p.m.)
Reading Women, the small group for women who like to read and discuss books that help us grow as disciples, is back for a new year! The group, led by Rev. Karen Easter Bayne, will meet monthly on the 2nd Tuesday evenings beginning on September 10 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss Praying For Strangers by River Jordan. Get your book and start reading.
Reading Women is not your ordinary book club. We read books by and/or about women. The reading list includes fiction and nonfiction; funny and serious; spiritual and not. This group’s discussions introduce us to women of the Bible whose stories intersect with the women in the books we read. As we discuss scripture and the book of the month, we also learn more about God’s story and how it speaks to our own lives. In the process, as we discover how God is at work, we grow deeper in faith and discipleship.
Women of all ages are invited to join us. The reading list will be given out at the first meeting. Bring the book and your Bible. Invite friends to come with you. To register, contact Karen Easter Bayne at or 828-577-1660.
Wednesday Evening Adult Small Group- Living as United Methodist Christians
The Rev. Richard Randolph and Wanda Randolph will offer a seven week study in which participants will consider what it means to live as faithful United Methodist Christians. In Living as United Methodist Christians: Our Story, Our Beliefs and Our Lives, Pastors Andy and Sally Langford take a unique approach by looking at how United Methodists claim and live their faith as individuals and as a denomination. Through the study, participants will gain insight into The United Methodist Church, its beliefs and faith practices to help learners hear and claim for themselves the Christian story, particular emphases and beliefs of United Methodists, and ways to live as a United Methodist Christian.
The group will meet on Wednesday evenings beginning September 11th from 6:30 p.m. to 7: 30 p.m.. Child care is available for children five and younger. Elementary-aged children are invited to join us for BibleFlix.
Books are available for purchase for $11.75 through Kristen Surratt. To register, email