Women’s Retreat- Spring 2025

Join us for our Annual Women’s Retreat May 16-18, 2025

First United Methodist Church of Belmont

Location: Lake Junaluska Conference & Retreat Center

Set aside intentional time with God this fall while spending a weekend worshipping and deepening your relationship with Christ. Get to know more women in our community of faith and strengthen relationships with those you already know.

While the weekend offers ample opportunity to spend time in prayer and reflection, Saturday afternoon includes time for you to rest and enjoy the grounds of Lake Junaluska. Questions: Email doreen@fumcbelmont.org.  

$100 deposit due with registration formFinal payment- $226 (due March 31st )

Space is limited and will be offered in the order received.

*Cost based on double occupancy and includes lodging and linens, five cooked meals, meeting space and transportation.

Single rooms are available at an additional cost upon request.

Contact Doreen Collins for more information:  doreen@fumcbelmont.org

Women’s Retreat Registration Form


Participant’s Name:


Mailing Address:


Phone:                        Email:


Home Church:


Please list any allergies or health concerns:


 Rooms are double occupancy. Is there someone you would like to room with?


Emergency Contact Name:


Included with this registration: double occupancy (please check all that apply):

___ $100 Deposit (due with this form by March 31st, 2025)

___ $226 final payment (due no later than March 31st, 2025; can be paid immediately)

___ Please accept my donation of $________ so that financial assistance may be available for those in need.

*If you need a single room, please contact Doreen at doreen@fumcbelmont.org

*Further details and packing lists will be mailed to confirmed registrants.

**Refunds only possible if participant’s place is filled.

For questions contact Doreen Collins at doreen@fumcbelmont.org or 704-825-2106